Concrete Grades to Eurocodes

An extract from Table 3.1 of BS EN 1992-1-1 is shown below. Eurocode practise is to use Cylinder Strength for concrete, instead of Cube Strength which was used in previous British Standards. Cylinders are tests using a sample with an aspect ratio of 2:1, instead of the cube same of aspect ratio 1:1. Therefore, for the same type of concrete a cube sample will suggest a higher concrete strength, this is reflected in the below table.

\(f_{ck}\) 253035404550556070-
\(f_{ck,cube} \)303745505560677585-
\(f_{cm} \)333843485358636878\(f_{cm} = f_{ck} +8 \text{ MPa}\)
\(f_{ctm} \)\(f_{ctm} = 0.3 \times f_{ck}^{2/3} \leq C50/60\)
\(f_{ctm} = 2.12 \ln (1+(f_{ck}/10)) > C50/60\)
\(f_{ctk,0.05} \)1.822.\(f_{ctk,0.05} = 0.7 \times f_{ctm} { MPa}\)
\(f_{ctk,0.95}\)\(f_{ctk,0.95} = 1.3 \times f_{ctm} { MPa}\)
\(E_{cm}\)310003300034000350003600037000380003900041000\(E_{cm} = 22,000 [ f_{cm}/10]^{0.3}\text{ } f_{cm} \text{ in MPa}\)
\(\varepsilon_{c1} (^0\!\!/\!_{00})\)\(\varepsilon_{c1} (^0\!\!/\!_{00}) = 0.7 f_{cm}^{0.31}\leq 2.8\)
\(\varepsilon_{cu1} (^0\!\!/\!_{00})\)\(\varepsilon_{cu1} (^0\!\!/\!_{00}) = 2.8+27[(98-f_{cm})/100]^4 > C50/60\)
\(\varepsilon_{c2} (^0\!\!/\!_{00})\)2222222.22.32.4\(\varepsilon_{c2} (^0\!\!/\!_{00}) = 2.0+0.085(f_{ck}-50)^{0.53} > C50/60\)
\(\varepsilon_{cu2} (^0\!\!/\!_{00})\)\(\varepsilon_{cu2} (^0\!\!/\!_{00}) = 2.6+35[(90-f_{ck})/100]^4 > C50/60\)
\(n\)2222221.751.61.45\( n = 1.4+23.4[(90-f_{ck})/100]^4 > C50/60\)
\(\varepsilon_{c3} (^0\!\!/\!_{00})\)1.751.751.751.751.751.751.81.92\( \varepsilon_{c3} (^0\!\!/\!_{00}) = 1.75+0.55[(f_{ck}-50)/40] > C50/60\)
\(\varepsilon_{cu3} (^0\!\!/\!_{00})\)\(\varepsilon_{cu3} (^0\!\!/\!_{00}) = 2.6+35[(90-f_{ck})/100]^4 > C50/60\)

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